News and Publications

IASB decides on last round of potential amendments to IFRS 17

At its meeting currently held in London, the IASB discussed the last of the 25 concerns regarding the standard that were identified in October 2018 as candidates for potential amendments.

IASB posts webcast on IFRS 15

The IASB has posted a webcast, by IASB member Nick Anderson and investor engagement member Sid Kumar, that provides an overview on IFRS 15, ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’.

IAASB Work Plan for 2019: Enhancing Audit Quality

The IAASB Work Plan is guided by the three underlying strategic objectives, as set out in the Strategy for 2015‒2019: a continued focus on International Standards on Auditing as the basis for high-quality audits; the importance of standards for other services addressing emerging stakeholder needs; and the board’s intention to strengthen collaboration to address public…

2019 required and annotated required IFRS Standards now available

The IFRS Foundation announces that the annual publication formerly known as the 'Blue Book' is now available.

Additional educational module on the IFRS for SMEs on leases

The IFRS Foundation has issued an additional new stand-alone educational module, which supports the learning, application, and reading of financial statements prepared with the IFRS for SMEs Standard.

IPSASB issues amendments to keep IPSASs in line with IFRSs

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has released 'Long-term Interests in Associates and Joint Ventures (Amendments to IPSAS 36) and Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation (Amendments to IPSAS 41)'.

Exposure Draft 67, Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief (Amendments to IPSAS 19)

Exposure Draft (ED) 67, Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief (Amendments to IPSAS 19), addresses transactions for collective and individual services and emergency relief. ED 67 forms part of the IPSASB’s broader non-exchange expenses project, proposing requirements for collective and individual services and emergency relief. The purpose of the IPSASB’s project on non-exchange expenses is to…

Updated compendium of Ind AS Clarification Bulletins

India is currently in its process of implementating the Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS), which are largely converged with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). For addressing transition related queries, an Ind AS Transition Facilitation Group (ITFG) has been set up that issues clarification bulletins addressing implementation issues from time to time. For ease of reference,…

IPSAS 42, Social Benefits

IPSAS 42, Social Benefits, provides guidance on accounting for social benefits expenditure. It defines social benefits as cash transfers paid to specific individuals and/or households to mitigate the effect of social risk. Specific examples include state retirement benefits, disability benefits, income support and unemployment benefits. The new standard requires an entity to recognize an expense…

IPSASB publishes final guidance on accounting for social benefits and exposure draft on collective and individual services and emergency relief

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has released International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) 42 'Social Benefits' and an related Exposure Draft (ED) 67 'Collective and Individual Services and Emergency Relief (Amendments to IPSAS 19)' to address a wide range of significant government expenditures.