News and Publications

Small Business Continuity Checklist

Small businesses have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Most organizations worldwide are small in size, and the importance of small businesses to the global economy is indisputable. The Small Business Continuity Checklist will help small businesses navigate today's crisis and plan for tomorrow's "new normal".

COVID-19: Ethics and Independence Considerations

This Questions and Answers (Q&A) publication was developed by the staff of the IESBA to highlight aspects of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) that might be relevant in navigating ethics and independence challenges and risks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication does not amend or…

Supporting Accountants in Business & Public Sector Through Uncertain Times

Professional accountants in business and the public sector have important roles to play in leading their organizations through the current crisis and the challenging times ahead. This report includes highlights from the March 2020 meeting of the PAIB Committee, focusing on:  Value creation and integrated thinking  Latest recruitment trends, evolving accountancy roles, and implications on learning and development  Key areas of…

COVID-19: Relevant IPSASB Accounting Guidance

This Questions and Answers (Q&A) publication is issued by the staff of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board to provide insight into the financial reporting issues associated with COVID-19 government responses, and the relevant IPSAS and other guidance already available.

International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400 (Revised)

ISRS 4400 (Revised), Agreed-Upon Procedures Engagements, has been revised to respond to the growing demand for these engagements, particularly in relation to the need for increased accountability around funding and grants. A broad range of stakeholders, such as regulators, funding bodies and creditors, use agreed-upon procedures reports for a variety of reasons. The revised requirements…

Is Cash Still King? Maximising the Benefits of Accrual Information in the Public Sector

The foundation of good decision making is having the right information, especially financial information. There is a global transition underway, where governments are moving from a cash to an accrual basis for their financial reporting. This report offers lessons learned from jurisdictions that have implemented accruals, with the intention that this global transition to accruals…