Watch the April 20 webinar to hear about IESBA's initiative on exploring the ethics implications arising from the transformative effects of technological trends and developments on the accounting, assurance, and finance functions. The presenter, IESBA Technology Task Force Chair, Brian Friedrich, outlined the background to the initiative and explained the key findings and recommendations in the IESBA's Technology…
News and Publications
2019 Financial Statements
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Non-Authoritative Support Material: Audit Documentation When Using Automated Tools and Techniques
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Watch and Learn! IESBA Technology Initiative Webinar
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Approaches to Beneficial Ownership Transparency: The Global Framework and Views from the Accountancy Profession
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Auditor Reporting in the Current Evolving Environment Due to COVID-19
by Darren Caple/0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /IFRS 16 Leases: A Lessee’s Perspective
by Husam Shareef/in In Brief, Latest /Subsequent Events in the Current Evolving Environment―Audit Considerations for the Impact of COVID-19
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Small Business Continuity Checklist
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /COVID-19: Ethics and Independence Considerations
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Supporting Accountants in Business & Public Sector Through Uncertain Times
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /