News and Publications


The International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 540 (Revised) Implementation Working Group has prepared illustrative examples for auditing expected credit loss (ECL) accounting estimates. The examples illustrate how an auditor could address certain requirements of ISA 540 (Revised), and have been developed to assist the auditor in understanding how ISA 540 (Revised) may be applied to:…

Proposed ISA 600 Webinar: Group Audits

Listen to the recording of the second webinar on the Exposure Draft of Proposed ISA 600 (Revised), Special Considerations—Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors), which was held on August 13, 2020. This 90-minute webinar covers questions on the Exposure Draft submitted by participants and answered by members of the ISA…

Exposure Draft 73, COVID-19: Deferral of Effective Dates

The IPSASB has published Exposure Draft 73, Covid-19: Deferral of Effective Dates, which proposes to delay the effective dates of recently published Standards and Amendments to IPSAS by one year to January 1, 2023. 

Six Recommendations for Audit Committees Operating in the "New Normal"

In this statement, IFAC CEO, Kevin Dancey, and Richard Chambers, President and CEO of The Institute of Internal Auditors (The IIA) share specific recommendations for organizations to more vigorously confront uncertainties and turmoil that may threaten their integrity, transparency, and accountability. These recommendations are part of a call-to-action for audit committees given current and future…

ISA 540 (Revised) Implementation: Illustrative Examples for Auditing Simple and Complex Accounting Estimates

The International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 540 (Revised) Implementation Working Group has prepared illustrative examples for auditing simple and complex accounting estimates. The following illustrative examples are designed to illustrate how an auditor could address certain requirements of ISA 540 (Revised), and have been developed to assist the auditor in understanding how ISA 540 (Revised)…