News and Publications



The IPSASB's Biennial Review, Delivering Through Challenging Times, summarizes the Board’s successes, challenges, and key outputs during 2019 and 2020.  The majority of the Board’s projects during the review period were public sector-specific in nature and aimed at closing perceived gaps in the IPSASB’s suite of standards, while maintaining alignment with International Financial Reporting Standards, when appropriate.  The…
2020 IFAC Integrated Annual Review

2020 IFAC Integrated Annual Review

IFAC's annual review is a significant element of accountability to member organizations, the Forum of Firms, and other key stakeholders. It provides an overview of IFAC, including governance and stakeholder engagement, strategic objectives, value creation process, and performance highlights. 2020 was an exceptionally difficult year by any standard. And yet, all around the world, people…
Exposure Draft, Proposed International Standard on Auditing of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities

Exposure Draft, Proposed International Standard on Auditing of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities

Smaller, less complex entities play a vital role in the world’s economy. In an increasingly complex world with evolving reporting needs, a need for a set of high-quality requirements tailored for the audits of less complex entities has emerged. With this consultation, the IAASB is moving to provide a globally consistent approach at a time…
Academic Advisory Group

Academic Advisory Group

In 2019, to maximize the contribution the academic community can make to the development of high quality IPSAS, the IPSASB created its Academic Advisory Group (AAG). It is chaired by former IPSASB Chair, Andreas Bergmann, and includes IPSASB’s academic members, as well as representatives of the Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network and International Research…
IFAC Comment Letter to the IFRS Foundation's ED on proposed Constitutional amendments that accommodate new ISSB

IFAC Comment Letter to the IFRS Foundation's ED on proposed Constitutional amendments that accommodate new ISSB

IFAC is pleased to respond to the IFRS Foundation’s Proposed Targeted Amendments to the IFRS Foundation Constitution to Accommodate an International Sustainability Standards Board to Set IFRS Sustainability Standards (the “Exposure Draft” or “ED”). As we noted in our comment letter to the IFRS Foundation Consultation in 2020, IFAC has conducted extensive engagement with its…
IFAC Comment Letter to the UK BEIS

IFAC Comment Letter to the UK BEIS

IFAC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Consultation on the Government’s proposal for Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance. The Government has put forth a very comprehensive assessment of issues that are relevant to restoring trust in both audit and corporate governance. We firmly support such…
Using ISAE 3000 (Revised) in Sustainability Assurance Engagements

Using ISAE 3000 (Revised) in Sustainability Assurance Engagements

Company-reported information about sustainability factors is becoming mainstream—through increased voluntary disclosure as well as through new jurisdiction-specific rules. Investors, as well as other stakeholders, need to have trust and confidence in this information through external assurance—just like financial information. The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 (Revised)—founded on…
The State of Play in Sustainability Assurance

The State of Play in Sustainability Assurance

As the drive toward a global system for sustainability-related reporting continues, investors, regulators and policymakers are turning their attention to the important role of assurance in ensuring high-quality reporting. With the growing importance of—and reliance on—sustainability information, low-quality assurance is an emerging investor protection and financial stability risk. IFAC and the AICPA & CIMA embarked on this…
IESBA Global Webinar on the Non-Assurance Services Revisions to the IESBA Code

IESBA Global Webinar on the Non-Assurance Services Revisions to the IESBA Code

On June 17, 2021 the IESBA hosted a webinar on the Non-Assurance Services revisions to the IESBA Code. In this 60-minute webinar the IESBA’s Non-Assurance Services (NAS) Task Force Chair, Mr. Richard Fleck and IESBA member and NAS Task Force Member, Ms. Kim Gibson explain the key changes to the revised NAS provisions of the Code.…
IESBA Global Webinar on the Fee-related Revisions to the IESBA Code

IESBA Global Webinar on the Fee-related Revisions to the IESBA Code

On June 16, 2021 the IESBA hosted a webinar on the fee-related revisions to the IESBA Code. In this 60-minute webinar the IESBA’s Deputy Chair and Fees Task Force member, Ms. Caroline Lee and IESBA member and the Fees Task Force Chair, Mr. Ian McPhee explain the key changes to the fee-related provisions of the Code.…