The objective of ED 81 is to update Chapter 3, Qualitative Characteristics, and Chapter 5, Elements of Financial Statements, of the Conceptual Framework, in light of: The IPSASB’s experience in applying the Conceptual Framework to the development and maintenance of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS); and Developments in international thinking about conceptual issues since…
News and Publications
Auditing Accounting Estimates: ISA 540 (Revised) Implementation Tool
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Proposed Revisions to the Code Relating to the Definition of Engagement Team and Group Audits
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Time for Action on Sustainability: Next Steps for the Accountancy Profession
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Proposed Technology-related Revisions to the Code
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /ISA 220 First-time Implementation Guide
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Non-Authoritative Support Material: Audit Planning When Using Automated Tools and Techniques
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Exposure Draft (ED) 81, Proposed Update to Conceptual Framework
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Conforming and Consequential Amendments to the IAASB’s Other Standards as a Result of the New and Revised Quality Management Standards
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Non-Authoritative Support Material: Using Automated Tools and Techniques on Audit Planning
by Darren Caple/0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /IFAC’s Vision for High-Quality Assurance of Sustainability Information
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /