Since 2017, IFAC and ACCA have gathered data across the G20 on the attitudes and opinions of the general public towards their tax systems, and the actors involved in them. Reflecting the views of over 5,600 people across 14 countries, this survey—the first that looks beyond the world's largest economies—provides an insight into whom they…
News and Publications
Ethical Leadership In A Digital Era
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /The IESBA Code – Overview of Parts and Sections
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Public Trust in Tax: Global Perspectives 2022
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /IFAC Comment Letter on IPSASB Consultation Paper, Advancing Public Sector Sustainability Reporting
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /2022 Handbook of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /IFAC's Action Plan for Fighting Corruption and Economic Crime
by /0 Comments/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /Job Post: Senior Associate, Assurance and Tax
by Husam Shareef/in Uncategorized /Job Post: Associate, Assurance and Tax
by Husam Shareef/in Uncategorized /Reporting Going Concern Matters in the Auditor’s Report
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /The State of Play in Reporting and Assurance of Sustainability Information: Update 2019-2020 Data & Analysis
by Darren Caple/in Uncategorized Echo_1 /