News and Publications

Proposed Strategy and Work Plan for 2024‒2027

Proposed Strategy and Work Plan for 2024‒2027

This proposed strategy seeks to accelerate the actions originally laid out in the 2020-2023 strategy with a focus on standard setting that supports the performance of high-quality audit and assurance engagements. It outlines four strategic objectives: Support the consistent performance of quality audit engagements by enhancing our auditing standards in areas where there is the…
Exposure Draft (ED) 84, Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind

Exposure Draft (ED) 84, Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind

The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) has released Exposure Draft (ED) 84, Concessionary Leases and Right-of-Use Assets In-kind (Amendments to IPSAS 43 and IPSAS 23). ED 84 is part of phase two of the IPSASB’s Leases project. It proposes amendments to IPSAS 43, Leases on accounting for concessionary leases, as well as new…
Proposed Part 10, Audits of Group Financial Statements of the Proposed ISA for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities

Proposed Part 10, Audits of Group Financial Statements of the Proposed ISA for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities

This proposed section, Part 10, Audits of Group Financial Statements, is intended to form part of the proposed International Standard on Auditing for Audits of Financial Statements of Less Complex Entities (ISA for LCE) when finalized. Group audits were not included in the scope of the original Exposure Draft of the ISA for LCE. Given…
IFAC Small and Medium Practices Advisory Group Response to the IAASB’s Exposure Draft proposed Narrow Scope Amendments to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised)

IFAC Small and Medium Practices Advisory Group Response to the IAASB’s Exposure Draft proposed Narrow Scope Amendments to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised)

The SMPAG supports the IAASB approach to undertake the project on listed entity and PIE as two tracks with the ED focused on narrow scope amendments to ISA 700 (Revised) and ISA 260 (Revised) to support operationalizing the IESBA transparency requirement with an effective data that aligns with the revisions to the IESBA Code, followed…
IFAC-IAASB Quality Management Resources

IFAC-IAASB Quality Management Resources

In late 2020, the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) issued three new and revised quality management standards. The standards strengthen and modernize how a firm of any size or level of complexity approaches quality management. This document provides links to IFAC and IAASB materials that can help firms implement the new standards. Visit…
The Ukraine Conflict: Key Ethics and Independence Considerations

The Ukraine Conflict: Key Ethics and Independence Considerations

This Staff Alert highlights the ethical implications arising from the wide-ranging economic sanctions many jurisdictions have imposed on Russia and certain Russian entities and individuals as well as Belarus, and the related ethical responsibilities of PAIBs and PAPPs under the Code. It also highlights: Key ethics considerations for PAIBs in relation to the preparation and…
International Standards: 2022 Global Adoption Status Snapshot

International Standards: 2022 Global Adoption Status Snapshot

Since IFAC issued the International Standards: 2019 Global Status Report, IFAC member organizations have continued to progress the adoption of international standards, which ultimately supports greater economic growth and financial market stability. This is especially important and noteworthy given that the last few years were exceptionally difficult as the world responded to and recovered from…
IESBA Sustainability Questionnaire

IESBA Sustainability Questionnaire

Stakeholders are invited to respond to the questionnaire below to inform the work of the IESBA’s Sustainability Working Group. There are six sets of questions. Stakeholders should respond to the set that is most relevant to them. To schedule a meeting with the Working Group, or to respond to the questions in writing, please email…
Ethical Leadership In A Digital Era: Applying The IESBA Code To Selected Technology-Related Scenarios

Ethical Leadership In A Digital Era: Applying The IESBA Code To Selected Technology-Related Scenarios

This non-authoritative publication provides seven hypothetical scenarios to illustrate how accountants can navigate practical issues in ethical leadership when using or implementing technology. Each scenario highlights the application of specific requirements and guidance in the IESBA Code, in particular those related to compliance with the fundamental principles of ethics, and auditor independence. The publication was…