Entries by Husam Shareef

IASB publishes “Investor Perspectives” article on acquisitions reporting

The IASB has issued the latest issue of ‘Investor Perspectives’. In this edition, IASB Board member Zach Gast discusses proposed enhancements to acquisitions reporting and the revisions in Exposure Draft (ED) ‘Business Combinations — Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment’ that aim to equip investors with better tools for evaluating companies’ acquisitions.

ESMA publishes report on the activities of corporate reporting enforcers and their findings within the EU in 2023

The report provides an overview of the activities of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the corporate reporting enforcers in the European Union (EU) when examining compliance of financial and non-financial information provided by issuers listed on regulated markets with the applicable financial reporting framework in 2023.